1. Installment of fixed dividers in buses for the protection of workers and supply of personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, disinfectants) to staff.
2. Entrance from the first bus door is prohibited. Passengers have to board by the middle (second) door and exit from the bus, using the rear (third) door.
3. An OASTH employee is placed in every transportation route, as a “Line Attendant”, according to the respective guidance of ΥΜΕ in order to monitor the implementation of social distancing measures as announced by the YME (use of masks and disinfectants, compliance to maximum number of passengers).
4. Reinforcement of the disinfecting process of buses with a morning shift, in order to disinfect buses returning due to malfunction, speeding up their repair.
5. One (1) disinfecting device for passengers is placed on each bus on the second (middle) door.
6. Guidelines and messages of social responsibility are communicated through OASTH’s telematics system.
7. Remote work and special purpose permits are provided for staff.